sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012


La Joaquina,  Cano Negro, Unión Vázquez Blanco y No me apures...

Don’t / threaten us! / Fabian…
See/ what/ you’re/ doing…/
If you want/ send/ The Royal/
To spoil/ our wages/
You break/ the pact…/
Go away!

But / don’t/ threaten us! /
Don’t / threaten us! /
You are/ old enough/
Read/ the Outreach’s/ pact/
These/ actions/ are /the worse/ ones/

Because/ you/ are/ harassing/ and/ scourging/
And making/ a detour/ and hitting/ our stern! /
And…/ harassing…/

And/ we’re/ hoping/ to work/ and to work/
And /to catch/ fish / the core/
To/ maintained/ our job/
In/ Europe/ with/ future/

Don’t / threaten us!/ Fabian…
See/ what/ you’re/ doing…/
If you want/ send/ The Royal/
To spoil/ our wages/
You break/ the pact/
Go away!

But / see/ what/ you’re/ doing…! /
What/ you’re / doing…/
This/ is not/ the way/
Don’t be/ a knavish/
A crook/ or a savage! /

Because/ you/ are/ harassing/ and/ scourging/
And making/ a detour/ and hitting / our stern/
And…/ harassing…/

And/ we’re/ waiting/ to work/ and to work/
To/ catch/ fish/ the core/
To/ maintain/ our/ job/
In/ Europe/ with/ future/

*No me amenaces:
María Dolores Pradera

María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales   (Cantabria)