miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012


To be a good European

The first thing you should know
All of us together could do a lot
In only one and equal Europe.

Coins and borders
Are very delicate things
If we don’t look for them
They will make us bad tricks

If you just take care of yours
Without looking for the neighbour
Allowing that they harass them
Defame even innocent cucumbers

The kidnap of their people
The invasion of their domains
Consenting that the ruthless king
Sends to the extermination

Races sacrificed for delinquents
That the coffers of Spain
Loads with the cruel price
Of that fate again and again

Oh! Gods!
Think tankers!

Look at the fenced Africa
Don’t lose the good sense.
There are no barriers
For who’s hungry!
Europe has Simplicissimus
Moll Flanders, Lucas Trapazas
You! Allowed all of them
With their tin drums!

Soon very soon will come
Nights of broken glasses.
Think! Think about it! 
Oh! My God! What a danger!

* The Tin Drum
Günter Grass

María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales   (Cantabria)