viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013


Let’s/ see/ if/ Mr. / Jones/ 

And/ Mr. / Rehn/ understand/
Before/ they/ rest/ our/ brand/
Let’s/ see/ if/ the/ European/
Commission/ understand/
Before/ start/ kicking/ our/ ass/ (Bis)

Let’s/ see/ if/ the/ one/ 
Who/ attack/ understand/
Before/ to/ burial/ our/ lives/

We/ are/ not/ your/ slaves/
We/ have/ the/ same/ rights/ (Chorus)
Why/ are/ we/ so/ thin/
And/ you/ are/ so/ fat/

Second version:

We/ are/ not/ your/ slaves/
You/ are/ not/ our/ masters/ (Chorus)
You/ all/ misunderstand/
The/ European/ target/

* Blowing in the wind
Bob Dylan


I have just finished reading the new economic purge, equal work less salary; I enter in to the vice president’s blog and immediately an enema.
When I read and contrasted the political message of Mr. Olli Rehn, with the background of the song chosen for the subject Spain, “Ballad of a thin man”
The first image that came to mind was that the vice president didn’t have a clear idea about the problem and that he was shooting the dark. Better go home to take care of children!, I thought…Almost at once, the feeling of sorrow…poor old fellow…maybe surround by Goof and his friends…Perhaps, he is so confused that   as our Knight of the Doleful Countenance he has his brain disturbed...
The lyrics of the song," Ballad of a thin man", hold the same gibberish that, “Dónde vas manzanas traigo”, where do you go I bring apples- a non sequitur fallacy- Nothing to expect! It seems that the European Commission is, permanently, in “diálogo de besugos”, dialog of breams, - nonsensical discussion- I thought…
But a little thread… a subtlety spot… took  the adrenaline to have a walk…

 “Anyway they already expect you
To just give a check
To tax-deductible
Charity organizations”

The shadow of the hellish words... my heart beating…and the meanings of the adjective, “thin”, too… Yes, that small adjective... so narrow, so weak, joined to these crisp green rhymes provokes in my poor and miserable interior an overwhelming desire to sing... instead of...fff
Gosh, what a rubbish idea about us!
Nope! No! And again, no! My dear vice president, here in this world nobody gives anything for nothing…If *(1) the European Union  began the new one crusade putting the cart before the horse, as such, is the European Union the  one who has to give to all members living in the same entity, feasible, ethical and humane solutions  in rights and duties
-Without forgetting that every land has its specific culture conditions. To have a good harvest you cannot apply the same seed to a different territory.-
The barbarian difference that exists among Northern and South Europeans has been and is caused by the *(2) bad management of both sectors. It is wished, necessary, will be our power and salvation that Europe assumes their responsibilities. On the other hand, *(3) the Europeans,  think- tank, should advised to let live in freedom the goose that lays the golden eggs about to be beheaded by the Bank.
Nevertheless, if it was not such, the intention of our sweet friend Mr. Olli Rehn, it would be encouraging to hear the song, “Blowing in the wind”, maybe could better explain the actual situation in Spain and all around the Word.

(1) Obama Merkel and  Zapatero´s fla

(3) Financial&Economic&Trolls

María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales   (Cantabria)
* Watson…No sé quién hace esto ni el porqué… ¡Ni desde cuando!
Pero como veo que le gusta tanto…tanto…tanto…mi blog…hasta el punto que sale su
He decidido añadir los textos y de esta manera dar más satisfacción al insatisfecho…
Aviso…yo, no comercializo con mis artículos…letrillas…letrinas…traducciones… ¿Vale?