It was summer and I was going to America! This time, as teacher and tutor. A wanted desire would come true. I would know live broadcast, to the village of the United States of America.
My experiences as a migrant are immersed in the influence of Anglo-Saxon roots. My brother and I were sheltered and cherished by an Anglo Irish family, Mrs. And Mr. Maggie and John, parents of Helen, married to Wilson that, unfortunately, I have not heard from them again even though I've tried. Wilson worked with my father, in the Diversey Wilmington of Brazil. When one informed that my mother was in hospital he brought us home. Wilson lived with his fathers in-laws, in the Parada Inglesa, (English Stop), in Santana’s neighborhood. My father told us that the ancestors of Mr. John and Mrs. Maggie, yielded areas, to the railroad of the Cantareira and, therefore, the halt of this stretch happened to call, Parada Inglesa, (English Stop).
Then came the German-Belgian family of my friend Frida, Margarita of Austrian origin, and then love with the air of the Blue Danube crossing his veins. My youth bloomed close to the Kennedy’s,
Martin Luther King,
Ray Charles,
Elvis Presley,
Marilyn Monroe,
Aretha Franklin,
I am sister, of rock and roll, twist, soul, jazz, jeans, coca-cola and I'm dying for a good hot dog and a huge hamburger Dutch. I proved the literary ecstasy of love reading,” Gone with the Wind", and my soul was shaken by the assassination of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King. After in my thirties, in Deusto´s University I chose as an optional subject, American literature.
Martin Luther King,
Ray Charles,
Elvis Presley,
Marilyn Monroe,
Aretha Franklin,
Brenda Lee
and The Beatles.I am sister, of rock and roll, twist, soul, jazz, jeans, coca-cola and I'm dying for a good hot dog and a huge hamburger Dutch. I proved the literary ecstasy of love reading,” Gone with the Wind", and my soul was shaken by the assassination of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King. After in my thirties, in Deusto´s University I chose as an optional subject, American literature.
Ninety-two, after I finished the PhD courses. I obtained a scholarship from the Basque government. I would be the tutor and responsible for a group of young students bound for USA. I was *(1) happier than castanets. I had everything ready. Along with the luggage I was taking a hope, to work as a teacher of Spanish. They earned three times more than here. At the same time, I would put me in touch with the researcher who had fulfilled a thesis on, Stevenson, one of the writers that, as they say, had plagiarized the Spanish writer, Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor, reason of my doctoral thesis. It was an opportunity. Being there it would be easier. That is without mention the extra money to come into my pockets.
Before leaving, I promised the parents of students that I would watch over them as if they were my children. And this way I did it.
My first fifteen days, in Wisconsin, dreamy. We were welcomed with such joy and generosity that comes from the same American soil. The families were wonderful. The place just like to a Walt Disney’s description, always green, surrounded by lakes and colorful meadows. There were buildings, mansions and cottages. Luxury’s homes, had no railings and for the gardens, appearing and disappearing, squirrels, woodpeckers
and small Bambis.
The inhabitants of Milwaukee lived in those houses and other, mostly, prefabricated. They were occupying the precise space in individual area. Nothing was missing. Each one had small garden and swimming pool. They were placed in the surroundings of the capital and made up of small communities of neighbors. Of equal they have that gates were not used and all were presided over the American flag. My students and I share the same diversity of accommodation.
As all those born in American territory, the families were a crucible of mixtures. In my zone it was predominating over the Saxon ones. In general were free, affable, and eager to please and make your stay happy. Food was as elsewhere, each one with the particularity of its cultural baggage. Alternated, sauerkraut soup and pottage, steak and hamburger, spaghetti and rice coke and beer were their drinks. The breakfast was abundant, the coffee weak. The lunch was light and the snack – dinner copious and to taste of the consumer.
Indistinctly of creed or condition, the neighbors, used to gather in stable date to solve problems of immediate environment. The meetings were rotating; they were designed, organized and directed by women, an ancestral vestige of their first movement after Mayflower. Usually the meetings were at home, in the morning, having breakfast. Each of them with their freshly baked cake or cold cut contributed to the meeting also with news of the local needs and possible solutions.
The American woman has an independent attitude toward life. They go alone everywhere. Their social activities are relaxing and enriching, tennis,
bowling, encounter with friends, participation in social and cultural activities. They worked in and out home. The familiar nucleus agglutinated the various commemorations. In summer, outdoors. Surrounded by balloons, little flags, Chinese lanterns, neighbors, friends and relatives. The tables full of candy and homemade pastries. They were upstairs, downstairs, here and there from top to bottom, bringing down carrying up in fervent familiar and festive movement impregnated with enthusiasm and with the smell of barbecue that then would seal the hungry mouths of the party.
Devout or not, wore what they pleased. They discussed what they wanted and were positioned in what they understood, without any hesitation. They had the same difficulty as any woman to reach the month, the same complaints with husbands, sons, neighbors and family. They blamed this or that government, higher taxes, high cost of living and outright theft.
Communications, as well as roads, highways, were wide and endless. You could take whatever you wanted without leaving the vehicle. In restaurants, the food was more than plentiful and the price reasonable. In department stores, you could get bored at the moment of choosing. In the city, you had at your fingertips so in any other city in Spain, only that all was enormous, buildings, shops, cinemas, theaters, museums, universities and libraries. The students admired the city they looked at as Alice in Wonderland.
Walking along the streets and jabbering with the people, I can perceive the black pride power in their ebony beauty and Pharaonic bearing. I found out about woman's new names alike, Scarlett O`Hara and Melany. I met other lives as that of Hester Prynne. And I knew of the existence of many Uncle Tom`s Cabins. The Great Gatsby roamed the environment and Bukowsky walked from one to another showcase.
Together with my first family I attended meetings, went to the bowling, to ruby game. I spent weekend fishing on a lake with two friendly and unforgettable American couple. They took me to local and national commemorations. At a party of German tradition, I told them the story of my life and why I was so happy. The family told the love story of their forbears and that India blood running through theirs veins. I noticed some of this in the appearance of his only son, a glad young fellow that never stopped to help me. When sick, my American family took me to the hospital. In the hospital I met the right way to prescribe. Rhinitis pills were counted. In a word with my first family and their relatives I was in perfect harmony and I lacked neither fondness nor attention. I had even a waterbed it was one of my immediate and pleasant surprise. What delight feeling was to sleep floating!
But … little lasts, the happiness at poor’s home! Mine hard, just to know that it was not difficult to work temporarily teaching Spanish. For my part, I religiously fulfilled the daily duty to contact with my students and their American families. They all were happy as *(2) trikitritxas. Well… everybody… Three of the young scholars were not satisfied. I tried by all means get in touch with the leaders of the organization. The disgruntled students did the same. Sensing that time was running out, the holidays passed and those had not given solution. I commented what happened to my family and those of the group and the matter was resolved.
Families of the group took over the three scholarships. I completely satisfied because I did everything I had promised to their parents, look after their children as if were mine. The young students had come to live with American families during their vacation. If the conditions were not given, rightly was that, as soon as possible, could give solution in order to enjoy the summer learning English and knowing the American culture.
I do not know how it happened or the one who threw the first stone. I was completely out of this absurd mess! But my American dream turned into a nightmare. They waited for me to return with my students of the most significant excursion. I was invited to get into a car. They took me out of the family. They withdrew me from the group of students. They took me to another family. No explanation was given. They told me I had to leave the country immediately. The company that hired me had dispensed with my work and sent me a ticket to return to Spain the next day.
The second family lived in a luxury home by no means were less attentive and affectionate. They took me to know, the prairies of Milwaukee. I knew that they had four children of her own and one adopted. I take part in community solidarity and in a picnic. Broadly speaking, I told them my life and fears. I revealed my dreams. I said to them that I will to leave the country in any way and less in those conditions. I left clear good that I was alone, in a foreign country, that I had a contract and scholarship. And the only thing that I had done was to take care of the students, one, of them, minor. Adding up to the satiety that the good of my pupils and me it would reverberate, on the well to say of the country.
I do not know who took, the blessed, decision and I say, blessed, because knowing what I know now, I am completely sure that the crocodiles had decided my fate. That year and for those dates they sold, without my consent or authorization, all my marital property and they had distributed. In those crucial moments, my life was worth less than a penny.
They took me to another place and with another family. The road access to the new way’s home was guarded by giant trees intertwined on top form and refreshing leafy cathedrals, whose green domes caressing the sky. The mansion looked at a lake without stain; it was precious within and externally. Seeing me alone, away from students and unable to communicate with anyone, I started worrying. But, as I had done nothing of what I had to repent I was, well, as Little Red Riding wolf’s with one eye closed and one open.
They took me to another place and with another family. The road access to the new way’s home was guarded by giant trees intertwined on top form and refreshing leafy cathedrals, whose green domes caressing the sky. The mansion looked at a lake without stain; it was precious within and externally. Seeing me alone, away from students and unable to communicate with anyone, I started worrying. But, as I had done nothing of what I had to repent I was, well, as Little Red Riding wolf’s with one eye closed and one open.
Despite the irregular situation, I hit it off with the family, P. especially with, Mr. Bob. This happened immediately after, an interrogation about my life and miracles. Nevermore he returned to ask me at all. Mr. Bob was of German descent and from time to time, he spoke German. He showed all the joys and achievements of his hard and brave life. Thanks to him, I had the opportunity to stroll in a Cadillac. He told me the death of his son in Vietnam and the pain of the family. One day he wondered: Do you want to see a shelter? And off I went to see the anti-nuclear shelter. With great stealth and emotion he said: See if one day something happened, we would be safe here. And I, with the naturalness of the confidence I had said, and what you want a shelter, if when you leave you will not find anything where scratching...
His wife reminded me, Mrs. Maggie, in her tiny appearance, with her little bright and blue eyes and that special way of demonstrated her mystical spirituality. She made my stay in this horrible situation bearable. Mrs. P., worried for know about news of the students and my children and to transmit with tenderness and calm.
The couple lived with a daughter, Miss R. Rose, spoke Spanish and had a cat named butterfly. She used to sing, "de colores de colores es el arco iris en la primavera”, (of colors of colors it is the rainbow in the spring).
Rose, together with a closed friend, they were leaving me neither to the sun nor to shade and they took me to all the places that one can visit. But none faded either that nightmare, or the unease and the responsibility of not being able to be with my students. Since, I could not manage to understand anything of anything, then nothing.
There happened many things that I do not remember accurately, the case is that we went to the consulate of Spain in Chicago to prepare my return home.
Yes. I knew the city of the Alcapones! They took me to the museum and I circulated along those famous streets, the heart beat like a
Rose, together with a closed friend, they were leaving me neither to the sun nor to shade and they took me to all the places that one can visit. But none faded either that nightmare, or the unease and the responsibility of not being able to be with my students. Since, I could not manage to understand anything of anything, then nothing.
There happened many things that I do not remember accurately, the case is that we went to the consulate of Spain in Chicago to prepare my return home.
Yes. I knew the city of the Alcapones! They took me to the museum and I circulated along those famous streets, the heart beat like a
*(3) “pasodoble”, (rate of double steps), mainly, because I had appointment with the consul of Spain.
I became aware of the gravity of my situation when, the consul of Spain, said to me: “when you arrive at the airport you do not stop anywhere, nor speak with anybody and if they speak to you, in Russian do not say word”. But…Look…The only words I know is da, ochichornia and spaziva …
I answered way laughing. Consul’s grimace said the rest. It is all I need Russian spy! I have bought good ass! To warn me was an excellent idea because I have habit of putting to chat without worrying if that I have ahead is American, Russian, African or Chinese Mandarin. It is a childhood habit raised since I grew up between emigrants of every race, creed and color a way of remaining loyal to, the meaning of the initials of my college, SAA, solidarity, altruism and love.
Today, nineteen years ago. I went to mass with the family P. I will never be able to forget, day, hour, place. Feast of Santiago, at midmorning, in the Episcopal Church in Milwaukee. Mrs. P. holds my hand and said to me: you are very strong and very courageous, nothing and nobody will prevent you get your dreams, you’ll see it. Now pray …
And I prayed. I prayed as I have never prayed before in my life and I cried and *(4) weep like a Magdalene while, the priest blessed, the chalice.
I answered way laughing. Consul’s grimace said the rest. It is all I need Russian spy! I have bought good ass! To warn me was an excellent idea because I have habit of putting to chat without worrying if that I have ahead is American, Russian, African or Chinese Mandarin. It is a childhood habit raised since I grew up between emigrants of every race, creed and color a way of remaining loyal to, the meaning of the initials of my college, SAA, solidarity, altruism and love.
Today, nineteen years ago. I went to mass with the family P. I will never be able to forget, day, hour, place. Feast of Santiago, at midmorning, in the Episcopal Church in Milwaukee. Mrs. P. holds my hand and said to me: you are very strong and very courageous, nothing and nobody will prevent you get your dreams, you’ll see it. Now pray …
And I prayed. I prayed as I have never prayed before in my life and I cried and *(4) weep like a Magdalene while, the priest blessed, the chalice.
It would not be the last time something similar happen to me at other times, another country and with other people.
María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria)
*(1) to be happier than castanets: to be happier than a lark
*(2) to be happy as trikitritxas: to be happy as a lark
*(3) Pasodoble: A Spanish typical dance
*(4) To weep as a Magdalene: To weep buckets.

During the summer of 1992, without, even, I suspect, a group of people took care of my life. They made possible to come back home safely. From here, I want to thank each of you and your families, the disinterested effort for the sake of justice and the spread of doing well of that people and their country. Thank you very much, I remember you all fondly, Eva.
* Watson…No sé quién hace
esto ni el porqué… ¡Ni desde cuando!
como veo que le gusta tanto…tanto…tanto…mi blog…hasta el punto que sale su
He decidido añadir los textos
y de esta manera dar más satisfacción al insatisfecho…
Aviso…yo, no comercializo con
mis artículos…letrillas…letrinas…traducciones… ¿Vale?