viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012


Reforms… without… consensus… should…not…be…rewarded… are… laws… of… the… constitution…
Cut… and… dissecting… are… not… rights… or… laws… of… jurisdiction….

Before/ the/ risk/ premiums/ Bank/ Mamma/
The/ two/ Pinocchio/ liars/ spent/ hours/ and/ hours/
Amusing/ their/stupid/ small/ minds/ magma/
Showing/ their/ own/ pyjamas/
And/ throwing/ to/ soil/ Spain/

Nobody/ said/ a word. / The/ money / got/ a/ shock/
Shacked/ shrink/ back/ and/ escape/as / domino/

Oh! / Obama!/
They/ have/ frame/ Spain /in / bad/ panorama/
Finances/ investigated/ with/ diorama/
Spanish/ are/ good/ fellows/ have/ a/ look/
Democratic/transition/ in/ a/ book/ this/ is / the/ truth/

Oh! / Obama!/
Both/ gave/ a/ view/ of/ Spain/ in/ katakana/
And/ topped/ the/ *(1) faena/ with/ the/ Bankia/ drama/
And/ now/ they/ don’t/ know/ how/ to/ go/ out/

Oh! / Obama!/
Do/ not/ allow/ to/ stifle/ us/ the/ risk/ premium/
We/ want/ an/ aid/ with/great/ reputation/ OK/
(¡The/ best/ solution/ is/ the/ MEDE! /)
Obama! / Obama!/ Olé!/


* Torero
Renato Carosone
* “Hacer mala cama”: To frame somebody/ wondered and hurt/ tending to cause harm to the detriment/ prejudice of somebody or something.

*(1) Faena: with the cape 

María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales   (Cantabria)