Should/ to be/ here!/
Is Europe ’s/ cradle/
Why/ now/ needs/ to die?/
Why/ has/ to/ disappear?/
Come on!/ Come on!/ Come on!/
Come on!/ Come on!/ Come on!/
Come on!/ Come on!/…
All together!/ All!/ All!/
All!/ All!/ All!/
All!/ All!/…
Common sense!/Common/ Common/
Common/ Common/ Common/
Europe/ Europe/ Europe /
Europe/ Europe / Europe/…
Europe/ Europe/ Europe /
Europe/ Europe / Europe/…
The/Big/ Ones/ Ones/ Ones/
Ones/ Ones/ Ones/
Ones/ Ones/…
After *(1) swimming!/ Swimming/ Swimming/
Now/ guard/ their/ clothes!/clothes/
Europe/ Europe / clothes/…
The banking/ ate / a lot/of here/
The whole/ Europe / said/ yes/ (bis)
The whole/ Europe / said/ yes/
Ease/ the cash/ controls
And they will/ show/ it is/ possible/
The/ Greek people/ must/ not lose/ authenticity/
The / Greek/ people/ cannot/ live!/
Cannot/ live!/ Cannot / live!/
Ease/ the cash/ controls/
And/ they will/ show/ it is/ possible/
The/ Greek people/ must/ not lose/ authenticity/
The/ Greek people/ must/ not lose/ authenticity/
Not/ lose/ authenticity/
Not/ lose/ authenticity
The/ Greek/ people/ cannot/ live!
Cannot/ live!/ Cannot/ live!/
Not/ lose/ authenticity/
Europe/ in Greece /
no/ war/ prosperity/ (bis)
Europe/ in Greece /
no/ war/ prosperity/
*Zorba the Greek
Music: Mikis Theodorakis
Princesses of Violin
*(1) Saber nadar y guardar la ropa: Swmming...> To get involved in something without
getting one´s fingers burnt"...but...before...hands...
María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales (Cantabria)