jueves, 3 de enero de 2013


Pulcino/ Tweet/ is/ not/ Italian/

Pulcino/ Tweet/ is/ not/ Italian/
I/ listened/ in/ Sao Paulo/
Saying/ the/ same/ thing/
In/ that/ old/ woman’s/ farm/
Who/ always/ sing/
The/ little/ chicken/
Tweet/ tweet/
The/ little/ chicken/
Tweet/ tweet/ tweet/

Mrs/ Aparecida/ taught/ it/
Mrs/ Maria/ knew/ it/ too/
There/ in/ Santa/ Inês/
Also/ in/ Àgua/ Fria/
Playing/ all/ together/
Sueli/ Frida/ and/ you/
The/ little/ chicken/
Tweet/ tweet/ tweet/
The/ little/ chicken/
Tweet/ tweet/ tweet/

“A minha velha”, “My old mom”, was one that children´ songs of the time when I arrived to Brazil, (1956). Mrs. Aparecida used to teach this song together with, “O cravo brigou com a rosa”, “Ciranda cirandinha”. The teacher, approximately, was thirty years old. Maria was more than sixty. The lyrics and the music of the famous, “Pulcino Pio”, is older than, the "Tarara".

“A minha velha”
María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales   (Cantabria)