viernes, 1 de abril de 2011


Hides my hometown...

Rectangle unforgettable
With rich forests covered
A delighted tapestry natural
Around my friendly Pennsylvania
Grow white oaks ...cherry woods…
Chestnut trees…
Living between tender huggers
Maple trees ... pines…firs ...
Leaves… black…red… ever green...

New Jersey, Delaware, 
New York, Maryland, 
Ohio, West Virginia
Bordered sublime sap
The Blue Mountain
The EireSusquehanna… 
Appalachian ... 
The prankish ranges…
Lakes, rivers, mountains,
*(1) Carbon… iron ...oil… 
Natural gas ...
Since gives his fertile earth life.

Famous are people
The names of their cities
Washington ... Franklin ... Philadelphia
Jefferson Monroe Montgomery ... 
How beautiful is my Pennsylvania!
Impossible to forget
I have only a little pain…
Hard is to conceal...
Let’s put the blame on *(2) Allan Poe!

Back in the Three Mile...
Island of the river Susquehanna…
Near of Harrisburg
Capital of Pennsylvania
Howls a strange spectrum…
That never…never…will be silent.

*(1) Carbon: (Etim.  Latin: Carbo) Spanish>Carbón English>coal. It is situated in the county of Pennsylvania, capital Manch Chunk: owe his name to the mines of anthracite that there find.

*(2) Allan Poe reminds me a teacher a special one teacher. She was giving classes in Deusto's University. Her name is Linda Chow. It was time of Faulkner and his, “Light in August” … Till now, are the best classes of North American Literature of my life. Thanks to her way of showing I learned to enjoy and understand the immense and picturesque American territory, culture and peoples. Thanks teacher!

María Evangelina Cobo Zaballa
Castro-Urdiales    (Cantabria)

* Watson…No sé quién hace esto ni el porqué… ¡Ni desde cuando!
Pero como veo que le gusta tanto…tanto…tanto…mi blog…hasta el punto que sale su
He decidido añadir los textos y de esta manera dar más satisfacción al insatisfecho…
Aviso…yo, no comercializo con mis artículos…letrillas…letrinas…traducciones… ¿Vale?